We Humans are different from each other be it our finger print, pattern of body, energy level, different constitution/prakruti, unique combination of physical, mental and emotional characteristics and predisposition, stamina, body flexibility and different lifestyle. As every lock has its own key and cannot be opened with a different set. To be more precise all the food intake requirements differ from person to person, there are many food combinations some may be very useful to your body and some may be harmful.
Health Designers understand your body type, body requirement and design a perfect combination of yoga and nutrition plan which helps you to achieve your health goals.
We start a one to one yoga session with consultation about your desires and individual goals. A one to one yoga session begins by focusing upon yoga postures (asanas) that are suited to your current state of health and level of fitness. You also learn and practice techniques to calm your mind, de-stress and unwind. Each yoga session helps you to build strength, become more flexible, feel energized and at the same time you experience sense of peace.
Personalise service is beneficial for everyone. Imagine having a yoga routine with nutrition plan that is designed specifically for you. You will feel more energized and calm. This is a wonderful investment in you.
Pilates is a form of exercise which concentrates on strengthening the body with an emphasis on core strength. This helps to improve general fitness and overall well-being. Similar to Yoga, Pilates concentrates on posture, balance and flexibility.
Health Designers will teach Pilates leading to increased muscle strength and tone, particularly of your abdominal muscles, lower back, hips and buttocks (the 'core muscles' of your body) balanced muscular strength on both sides of your body. enhanced muscular control of your back and limbs. improved stabilization of your spine.
Food that we eat is not always packed with all the nutrients that are essential for the effective working of our systems.
Thanks to the change in the methods of farming and the chemicals being added to the soil, the depletion of natural minerals due to over-farming etc,
We do not get proper nutrition and that is the reason food supplements are the need of the hour. Health Designers will recommend appropriate Ayurvedic Supplements to complement your dietary habits.
The air we breathe, the water we drink and shower with, the food we eat, the cosmetics we use and the buildings we live and work in, are loaded with toxic chemicals that alone or in combination cause disease, suffering and even death.
Health designers will Detoxify your whole body by our ancient method which will increase your energy level, improve stamina, improve mental clarity and strengthen immunity.
In Modern society with fast moving vehicles, rapid industrialization and with sophisticated lifestyle there could be hundreds of stimulations which can produce stress. Due to stress many people are facing chronic health conditions.
Health designers will teach ancient remedies for managing stress like Self-Management of Excessive Tension (SMET).
In Modern society with fast moving vehicles, rapid industrialization and with sophisticated lifestyle there could be hundreds of stimulations which can produce stress. Due to stress many people are facing chronic health conditions.